You could be forgiven for expecting it will be 'chronically painful' for
you to read and consider what follows. But my hope is that it isn't too
unbearable to read about the different aspects of chronic pain affecting
millions of us.

From Imagining to Reality

A few years back, imagining my future to what it would become, didn't threaten too much. I naively thought I would remain in control (pretty much) of this stage of life. Most of the folk I know who have chronic conditions had similar thoughts. Many think differently now.

 My wife & I had a few days away last week just to breathe different air after visiting so many medical and allied health services week in, week out. And it's all on again this week.  I feel my frail mind is tearing into at least 2 parts. One part is very grateful I could visit these people. The other half is thoroughly fed up with it all. If anyone thinks I'm having a good old grizzle, they've missed the whole point. I'm at the place known all too well by many with painful chronic health issues. Whatever control I imagined I had, is no longer. I find this a really big pill to swallow. Today a Radiologist gave me a summary of recent scans. None of it was good news. He said, "You need to take it easy for the next few days." Really! And I know there are many who are a lot worse off than myself. I know that. But this is the world I live in. God-given courage to go to bed tonight and get up tomorrow to be the best I can be. That is my next step. I salute everyone in a similar place.

About kindness

You're Joking