You could be forgiven for expecting it will be 'chronically painful' for
you to read and consider what follows. But my hope is that it isn't too
unbearable to read about the different aspects of chronic pain affecting
millions of us.

About kindness

I think Kindness is a wonderful mystery. Anyone who is offered Kindness, knows just how precious a gift it is. Kindness is such a strong force for what is good and right whether in individuals or nations. I can give it away but I can't buy it, demand it, ask nicely for it nor say I'm entitled to it. The effective, positive power of Kindness is it being offered at just the right time.

 When a person's face comes across my mind-screen, that's my big nudge to get in touch to say "Hello, how are you going today?" Then be quiet to listen. So many times I've heard, "How did you know to call now?" The good thing is I don't need a Certificate 4 or degree in Kindness to listen to another person.  Especially if that one is facing chronic illness. They know I can't cure that. What they hear is another who cares enough to ask after them-and means it. All the best trying to put a price tag on that. I found offering kindness in any form is as good for me as it is for the one to whom I offer it. Bottom line is, it works.  But don't take my word for it. Give it a go, it's not that hard.

Change! Because I have to.

From Imagining to Reality