A Chronically Painful Blog

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That 'C' word

Cancer in any form is utterly repellent. The doctor said "From your MRI, we have a strong suspicion you have Prostate Cancer. We want you to have a biopsy to know how best to treat it." He said,"Most men die with Prostate Cancer, not from it." I didn't find any consolation in his comment, not one little bit. I asked myself, "What else is going to go wrong!!" The silence was deafening.

So I had my biopsy. Some of the surgical team said the procedure went very well. Really? Who for, me or the surgical team? About a week later the surgeon called to assure me the procedure was quite extensive. I was waiting for the "but". Then he said, "But we found no evidence of cancer." The relief my wife and I felt was palpable. And we have given grateful thanks to God for sparing us from this dreadful condition. I am well aware many men are not so spared.

Why do some avoid this condition and others not? One more mystery question for which I have no answer. But then I have chronic pain in other parts of the body that other men may not have. It's a mystery I don't begin to understand. All I know to do is ask God for the grace, patience and courage to face each day. No matter what comes along. I don't know how else to stay reasonably sane where pain is a constant and unwelcome companion. Thinking positive thoughts hasn't worked for me yet.